The coronavirus pandemic has affected the whole world. Scientists are searching for a vaccine that can help us to stop the pandemic and restore normal life. Healthcare workers need personal protective equipment.
But due to the growing number of cases of coronavirus, they are facing a shortage in the supply of these protective gear. The surgical or N95 masks are in high demand. But, healthcare workers need these highly secure protective gear as compare to common people.
The normal fabric masks are good for normal people. Therefore, we should prepare masks at home and leave surgical and N95 face masks to healthcare workers who are directly dealing with the coronavirus patients.
You can prepare a custom face mask at home by using old clean cloth. Here, we will discuss the simple tips to prepare beautiful and safe face masks at home. But, before that, we should clear one doubt that is whether cloth face masks are effective in preventing you against coronavirus.
Efficiency Of Cloth Face Masks
First of all, let me clear you one thing that no face mask is completely secure. Even the surgical face mask or N95 face masks do not have a 100% success rate. But, out of all, the surgical or N95 face masks are highly effective.
After the spread of coronavirus, these face masks are in shortage of supply. If we talk about the cloth face mask, they are quite efficient in creating a gap. Well, the cloth face masks are not ideal. But, it is better to have little protection than nothing.
In addition to this, the CDC department is also recommending the common people to wear cloth face masks before stepping outside of your house. CDC is currently recommending civilians wear cloth face coverings when in public.
How To Wear Fabric Face Masks?
According to the CDC, the cloth face covering should fit properly on your face. But, make sure that the face-covering is comfortable to wear. It is also important to prepare a face mask that ensures safety with multiple layers of fabric and secure ear loops.
Your fabric face mask should also allow you to breathe properly without any problem. Also, the fabric face mask should be reusable after washing it.
Tips To DIY Fabric Face Mask At Home
Take Accurate Measurements
It is imperative to take precise measurements before you start designing and preparing process. You can use your old shirt to prepare the face mask. But, make sure that the fabric is clean, and it is in good condition. Make sure that you cut four pieces of cloth into the same shape.
These different cutting will help in creating a multilayered face mask. Also, you should cut the four 12″ x 1″ strips. These strips will be used as the mask ties. If you have elastic strips at your home, then you can use these strips at the place of fabric strips.
Prepare Mask Layers
Once you have obtained the piece of cutting, then the next thing you have to do is forming a layered mask. You should put two pieces of fabric together. While placing two fabric piece together, you should make sure that the patterned side of the face ask should be facing inside.
After that, you should start sewing the clothes together. You should start sewing from the long curved side. Unfold the curve in order to form the one long piece.
Now, take another two pieces and repeat the same procedure. These two next pieces will help in making the double layer face covering. These two pieces will make inside and outside of your face mask.
Start Sewing Other Three Sides
Now, you have two mask pieces that you have just created in the previous. Now, take these two face mask pieces and place them over one another. Always keep in mind that you should keep the patterned face inside. You should start sewing the two fabric pieces together.
You should sew a short edge as well as a large edge. Make sure that you leave the second large edge open. You should turn the mask and bring the right side in an outward direction. Now, it is time to sew the final side of the fabric mask.
Prepare Straps
Your front face cover has been prepared, and you should fold the strips twice. Now, start sewing, and you will have thin straps in your hands. But, you should keep in mind that straps are thin, and you should slowly move the machine in the right direction.
Fix Straps With Face Masks
If the face mask and straps are complete, then you can sew them together. You should sew these straps with the face mask covering. You should sew the four 12” inches strap with the face mask. You should sew the straps to the outward direction.
Once you have a complete mask in your hand, then you can customize your own face mask in your own way. If you want to print a special design, then take the help of professionals.