A cigar tells a story. For centuries, it’s been an inseparable part of history–the good, the bad, and that which we’re not yet ready to talk about.
Today, cigars remain relevant. There’s a reason why sales are on the rise across the United States and why they’ll continue to climb. They’re a relaxing, enjoyable luxury.
Want to enjoy the best cigars the right way? Keep reading for the latest cigar etiquette tips that you should start using.
Cigar Etiquette: Cut Your Cigar Correctly
When it comes to cutting your cigar, you need to be careful. If you cut it too much, you’ll end up with a mouthful of tobacco. If you don’t cut it enough, you’ll have a hard time getting it lit.
The best way to cut your cigar is to use a sharp knife or a cigar cutter. Cut the cigar in a quick, clean motion. Then, you can place the cigar in your mouth and enjoy it.
Properly Light Your Cigar for the Perfect Burn
When lighting a cigar, it’s important to use the right type of lighter. A butane lighter is best, as it provides a consistent flame that won’t alter the taste of your cigar.
Simply hold the flame to the foot of the cigar and rotate it until the entire circumference is lit. Once lit, take a few draws on the cigar to get it started.
Ash Your Cigar Gently
Ash your cigar gently to avoid getting ash all over yourself and your surroundings. Ash also flakes off and can be a nuisance.
To ash your cigar gently, hold the cigar in your hand and tap it on the ashtray. Be sure to tap it lightly so that the ash falls off evenly.
If you tap it too hard, the ash will fly everywhere. If you’re smoking a cigar in a group, it’s courteous to ash your cigar into the ashtray so that others don’t have to.
Don’t Lick Your Cigar
While you may think that a quick lick will help keep your cigar moist, it can ruin the flavor of your cigar and make it unpleasant to smoke. If you must moisten your cigar, use a humidifier or a damp cloth to lightly dampen the cigar. This will help keep your cigar in peak smoking condition and prevent it from drying out.
Don’t Grind Your Cigar Out in the Ashtray
It’s really bad manners to grind your cigar out in the ashtray. Not only is it inconsiderate to the person who has to clean up the mess, but it also affects the taste of the cigar. This will be a perfect waste if you’re smoking quality tatuaje cigars.
When you grind a cigar out in an ashtray, the ash and tobacco get mixed, and it makes the cigar taste bitter. If you’re finished smoking, just gently tap the cigar on the edge of the ashtray to knock off the ash.
Knowing Cigar Etiquette is Important
Cigar smoking is not only a sign of sophistication and class, but it is also a great way to enjoy a relaxed evening with friends. Cigar etiquette is important to know to enjoy your cigar smoking experience to the fullest.
Make sure to take the time to learn the basics of cigar etiquette, and you will be sure to have a great time cigar smoking.
For more cigar news and updates, be sure to check out the rest of our blog today!