Everyone wants to be remembered, even after death. More than 2.8 million Americans died in 2019. This massive number may make it seem like all funerals are the same.
But that’s far from the case. You can start planning a memorial that befits your loved one’s memory in little time. You just need to understand what it takes.
What style of memorial service can you arrange? Where can you have people gather? Who do you need to hire for your occasion?
Answer these questions and you can create a poignant and beautiful memorial service. Here is your quick guide.
Decide On the Right Style of Event
A traditional memorial service works for many people. Everyone dresses formally and listens to speeches and sermons about the deceased person’s life.
But you are not limited to that when you are planning a memorial. Your funeral service can be informal. You can choose a celebration of life where the attendees participate in their loved one’s favorite activities.
You can plan an event akin to a wedding, with a reception line and caterers. Whatever style you choose, make sure it fits with your loved one’s personality and desires.
Pick a Location
You can go to a church or another religious venue. To commemorate a non-religious person, you can go to a funeral home or public meeting place. This includes beaches, parks, and nature reserves.
You can choose a hotel or a restaurant to meet in. But it can be difficult to book a private room in very little time.
You can host an event at a home. This is good for a small occasion attended by families. If you have many people you plan on inviting, you should go somewhere else.
Find Participants
For a religious occasion, clergy can get involved with event planning. They will adhere to religious protocol and officiate the occasion, giving a eulogy.
You can find a secular celebrant for a non-religious funeral service. They serve similarly to a clergy member, but they don’t involve themselves in religious ceremonies. You can also select a family member or friend to lead the occasion.
Personalize the Event
Plan an event that would make your loved one happy. If they liked music, invite musicians to perform for the occasion and enjoyed poetry, have a few people go up and read poems.
If your loved one was religious but not aligned with a particular faith, you can make an interfaith event. Have clergy people from different religions go up and perform ceremonies.
Create a unique memorial monument for your loved one. Compare Supernova International wholesale monuments to other companies and see what you can do.
How to Start Planning a Memorial Service
Planning a memorial for your loved one does not have to be draining. You can choose a traditional funeral, but you can pick an informal or joyous event.
Find a place that will accommodate everyone. For a small and intimate event, you can hold the memorial at someone’s house.
You will need someone to run the event like a clergy person or secular celebrant. But you can add personal touches, including poetry readings and monuments.
People who passed away are never gone from your memory. Follow our coverage for more guides like this one.