About 47.5% of U.S adults earned a degree in the past 3 years. And these degrees were all printed on special diploma paper. More specifically, parchment paper!
But what is it about parchment paper that makes it so popular for printing certificates? And why should you care about parchment paper when designing a diploma? Well, keep reading this guide to have all these important questions answered!
The Best Kind of Diploma Paper
The best paper for documents is parchment paper. But why? Well for starters, parchment paper has a spotted look with some texture.
These features may seem simple but it makes for a more authentic and antiquated look. All features you want when printing certificates.
Another reason parchment paper gets used so much is because of its versatility. For example, parchment paper can go on a variety of machines, from copiers to typewriters.
So when getting a fake degree, ensure the company uses parchment paper. Overall, it’s very long-lasting and it’s used in all academic settings.
Other Types of Paper for Diplomas
Some papers for certificates may not use parchment paper. For example, CPR certifications, receipts, and law-abiding documents.
But on average, paper for diplomas is made with parchment. Nevertheless, let’s take a look at some alternate paper styles. First, we have linen paper.
This kind of paper is more subtle and has a smoother feel. Therefore, many people use it for restaurant menus and correspondence letters. Because of its smooth feel, it is not encouraged to use for diploma papers.
Next, we have granite paper. This kind of paper is best for legal documents because of its polished and clean look. It can also get used for letterheads, professional, and even personal use.
Lastly, we have laid paper. This type of paper is handcrafted with ribbed features. Therefore, it holds some texture and weight.
However, this type of paper has a unique watermark, which appears as thin lines on paper. Therefore, it should not be used for official documents like diplomas– since diplomas already have their own unique features.
Does the Type of Paper Really Matter When Picking a Diploma?
The answer is yes! Parchment paper is often used in non-tradition and traditional school systems. Therefore, it’s important to follow these guidelines when designing your diploma.
Parchment paper also ages a lot better than other document types. So it’s best to use this type of paper if you want a long-lasting diploma. Not to mention, parchment paper looks very authentic and expensive.
The Best Diploma Paper Made Just for You
Diploma paper seems like an obsolete topic. However, when discussing diplomas, then it becomes a very relevant topic of discussion. And hopefully, after reading this article, you understand the benefits of parchment paper, compared to other sub-types.
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